The 21st Century Cinderella Story.
Pic of the original shoe from the story by moi.
When I was younger I always wondered how storytellers came up with their fairy tales. Lately, I began to wonder whether it’s possible they just altered their own experiences and put it into another setting. That is because lately my life started acting like some weird fairy tale as well.
It all began with one night out after a long day of hard work in which I did not know what to wear – of course. I’m a girl! It was one of the many moments where I wished for the good fairy to come and fix my dress. But naturally, I had to be my own fairy again.
Anyway, dress problem is another story. I managed to arrange a more or less suitable outfit, grabbed my favourite party shoes and went out the door.
I met my girls, we had a drink or two, we danced, we laughed… no Mr. Macklemore, we did not cry, but we had a really, really good time. Anyhow, at one point one always has to leave. Even the best parties. As my favourite party shoes have pretty high heels I decided to switch shoes – of course I am always prepared.
But when I came home I noticed that I somehow must have managed to put only one shoe in my bag. The other one was missing. No way! Did I really manage to lose my shoe at a party?
I tried calling the club, talking to the barkeeper and the cloak room girl. My shoe was nowhere to be found. So I spent one really sad week missing one of my favourite shoes, pretty sure to never see the lost piece again.
One week later – same procedure as every weekend. I went out, to the same club. There, I told my story to my favourite bartender. Strangely. He hadn’t heard of it yet but promised to go look for them.
When I had already abandoned hope the unbelievable, the impossible happened! I was dancing on my own, just the music and me, when suddenly! A wild bartender appeared. With a big grin on his face and my shoe in his hand! Now I was not dancing on my own anymore. I was dancing with my shoe, dancing with my bartender, being all happy.
If this had been a fairy tale, the bartender would have put my shoe on my foot, we would have looked each other in the eye, we would have kissed, we would have married, we would have lived happily ever after.
But as this is no fairy tale none of those things happened.
In my 21st Century Cinderella Story, the prince aka bartender is gay and I wasn’t even looking for a prince, only for my shoe. But it was a nice could have been love story.
So, who knows? Maybe fairy tales are the authors’ way to deal with could have been love stories and other everyday life catastrophes.
Obviously, this was written pre-Corona.